Source code for geemap.conversion

""" Module for converting Google Earth Engine (GEE) JavaScripts to Python scripts and Jupyter notebooks.
- To convert a GEE JavaScript to Python script:                                       js_to_python(in_file out_file)
- To convert all GEE JavaScripts in a folder recursively to Python scripts:           js_to_python_dir(in_dir, out_dir)
- To convert a GEE Python script to Jupyter notebook:                                 py_to_ipynb(in_file, template_file, out_file)
- To convert all GEE Python scripts in a folder recursively to Jupyter notebooks:     py_to_ipynb_dir(in_dir, template_file, out_dir)
- To execute a Jupyter notebook and save output cells:                                execute_notebook(in_file)
- To execute all Jupyter notebooks in a folder recursively:                           execute_notebook_dir(in_dir)           

# *******************************************************************************#
# This module contains extra features of the geemap package.                     #
# The geemap community will maintain the extra features.                         #
# *******************************************************************************#

import os
import shutil
import urllib.request
from collections import deque
from pathlib import Path

import pkg_resources

from .common import *

[docs]def find_matching_bracket(lines, start_line_index, start_char_index, matching_char="{"): """Finds the position of the matching closing bracket from a list of lines. Args: lines (list): The input list of lines. start_line_index (int): The line index where the starting bracket is located. start_char_index (int): The position index of the starting bracket. matching_char (str, optional): The starting bracket to search for. Defaults to '{'. Returns: matching_line_index (int): The line index where the matching closing bracket is located. matching_char_index (int): The position index of the matching closing bracket. """ matching_line_index = -1 matching_char_index = -1 matching_chars = {"{": "}", "(": ")", "[": "]"} if matching_char not in matching_chars.keys(): print( "The matching character must be one of the following: {}".format( ", ".join(matching_chars.keys()) ) ) return matching_line_index, matching_char_index # Create a deque to use it as a stack. d = deque() for line_index in range(start_line_index, len(lines)): line = lines[line_index] # deal with the line where the starting bracket is located. if line_index == start_line_index: line = lines[line_index][start_char_index:] for index, item in enumerate(line): # Pops a starting bracket for each closing bracket if item == matching_chars[matching_char]: d.popleft() # Push all starting brackets elif item == matching_char: d.append(matching_char) # If deque becomes empty if not d: matching_line_index = line_index if line_index == start_line_index: matching_char_index = start_char_index + index else: matching_char_index = index return matching_line_index, matching_char_index return matching_line_index, matching_char_index
[docs]def format_params(line, sep=":"): """Formats keys in a dictionary and adds quotes to the keys. For example, {min: 0, max: 10} will result in ('min': 0, 'max': 10) Args: line (str): A string. sep (str, optional): Separator. Defaults to ':'. Returns: [str]: A string with keys quoted """ # print(line) new_line = line prefix = "" # suffix = "" if line.strip().startswith("for"): # skip for loop return line # find all occurrences of a substring def find_all(a_str, sub): start = 0 while True: start = a_str.find(sub, start) if start == -1: return yield start start += len(sub) # use start += 1 to find overlapping matches indices = list(find_all(line, sep)) count = len(indices) if "{" in line: bracket_index = line.index("{") if bracket_index < indices[0]: prefix = line[: bracket_index + 1] line = line[bracket_index + 1 :] if count > 0: items = line.split(sep) if count == 1: for i in range(0, count): item = items[i].strip() if ('"' not in item) and ("'" not in item): new_item = "'" + item + "'" items[i] = items[i].replace(item, new_item) new_line = ":".join(items) elif count > 1: for i in range(0, count): item = items[i] if "," in item: subitems = item.split(",") subitem = subitems[-1] if ('"' not in subitem) and ("'" not in subitem): new_subitem = "'" + subitem.strip() + "'" subitems[-1] = subitems[-1].replace(subitem, new_subitem) items[i] = ", ".join(subitems) else: if ('"' not in item) and ("'" not in item): new_item = "'" + item.strip() + "'" padding = len(item) - len(item.strip()) items[i] = " " * padding + item.replace(item, new_item) new_line = ":".join(items) return prefix + new_line
[docs]def use_math(lines): """Checks if an Earth Engine uses Math library Args: lines (list): An Earth Engine JavaScript. Returns: [bool]: Returns True if the script contains 'Math.'. For example 'Math.PI', 'Math.pow' """ math_import = False for line in lines: if "Math." in line: math_import = True return math_import
[docs]def convert_for_loop(line): """Converts JavaScript for loop to Python for loop. Args: line (str): Input JavaScript for loop Returns: str: Converted Python for loop. """ new_line = "" if "var " in line: line = line.replace("var ", "") start_index = line.index("(") end_index = line.index(")") prefix = line[:(start_index)] suffix = line[(end_index + 1) :] params = line[(start_index + 1) : end_index] if " in " in params and params.count(";") == 0: new_line = prefix + "{}:".format(params) + suffix return new_line items = params.split("=") param_name = items[0].strip() items = params.split(";") subitems = [] for item in items: subitems.append(item.split(" ")[-1]) start = subitems[0] end = subitems[1] step = subitems[2] if "++" in step: step = 1 elif "--" in step: step = -1 prefix = line[:(start_index)] suffix = line[(end_index + 1) :] new_line = ( prefix + "{} in range({}, {}, {}):".format(param_name, start, end, step) + suffix ) return new_line
[docs]def check_map_functions(input_lines): """Extracts Earth Engine map function Args: input_lines (list): List of Earth Engine JavaScrips Returns: list: Output JavaScript with map function """ output_lines = [] for index, line in enumerate(input_lines): if (".map(function" in line) or (".map (function") in line: bracket_index = line.index("{") matching_line_index, matching_char_index = find_matching_bracket( input_lines, index, bracket_index ) func_start_index = line.index("function") func_name = "func_" + random_string() func_header = line[func_start_index:].replace( "function", "function " + func_name ) output_lines.append("\n") output_lines.append(func_header) for sub_index, tmp_line in enumerate( input_lines[index + 1 : matching_line_index] ): output_lines.append(tmp_line) input_lines[index + 1 + sub_index] = "" header_line = line[:func_start_index] + func_name header_line = header_line.rstrip() func_footer = input_lines[matching_line_index][: matching_char_index + 1] output_lines.append(func_footer) footer_line = input_lines[matching_line_index][ matching_char_index + 1 : ].strip() if footer_line == ")" or footer_line == ");": header_line = header_line + footer_line footer_line = "" input_lines[matching_line_index] = footer_line output_lines.append(header_line) output_lines.append(footer_line) else: output_lines.append(line) return output_lines
[docs]def js_to_python( in_file, out_file=None, use_qgis=True, github_repo=None, show_map=True, import_geemap=False, ): """Converts an Earth Engine JavaScript to Python script. Args: in_file (str): File path of the input JavaScript. out_file (str, optional): File path of the output Python script. Defaults to None. use_qgis (bool, optional): Whether to add "from ee_plugin import Map \n" to the output script. Defaults to True. github_repo (str, optional): GitHub repo url. Defaults to None. show_map (bool, optional): Whether to add "Map" to the output script. Defaults to True. import_geemap (bool, optional): Whether to add "import geemap" to the output script. Defaults to False. Returns: list: Python script """ in_file = os.path.abspath(in_file) if out_file is None: out_file = in_file.replace(".js", ".py") root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if not os.path.isfile(in_file): in_file = os.path.join(root_dir, in_file) if not os.path.isfile(out_file): out_file = os.path.join(root_dir, out_file) is_python = False # add_github_url = False if use_qgis and import_geemap: raise Exception( "use_qgis and import_geemap cannot be both True. Please set one of them to False." ) import_str = "" if use_qgis: import_str = "from ee_plugin import Map\n" if import_geemap: import_str = "import geemap\n\nMap = geemap.Map()\n" github_url = "" if github_repo is not None: github_url = "# GitHub URL: " + github_repo + in_file + "\n\n" math_import = False math_import_str = "" lines = [] with open(in_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() math_import = use_math(lines) for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line == "import ee": is_python = True if math_import: math_import_str = "import math\n" output = "" if is_python: # only update the GitHub URL if it is already a GEE Python script output = github_url + "".join(map(str, lines)) else: # deal with JavaScript header = github_url + "import ee \n" + math_import_str + import_str # function_defs = [] output = header + "\n" with open(in_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() # print('Processing {}'.format(in_file)) lines = check_map_functions(lines) for index, line in enumerate(lines): if ("/* color" in line) and ("*/" in line): line = ( line[: line.index("/*")].lstrip() + line[(line.index("*/") + 2) :] ) if ( ("= function" in line) or ("=function" in line) or line.strip().startswith("function") ): try: bracket_index = line.index("{") except Exception as e: print( f"An error occurred when processing {in_file}. The closing curly bracket could not be found in Line {index+1}: {line}. Please reformat the function definition and make sure that both the opening and closing curly brackets apprear on the same line as the function keyword. " ) return ( matching_line_index, matching_char_index, ) = find_matching_bracket(lines, index, bracket_index) line = line[:bracket_index] + line[bracket_index + 1 :] if matching_line_index == index: line = ( line[:matching_char_index] + line[matching_char_index + 1 :] ) else: tmp_line = lines[matching_line_index] lines[matching_line_index] = ( tmp_line[:matching_char_index] + tmp_line[matching_char_index + 1 :] ) line = ( line.replace(" = function", "") .replace("=function", "") .replace("function ", "") ) if line.lstrip().startswith("//"): line = line.replace("//", "").lstrip() line = ( " " * (len(line) - len(line.lstrip())) + "# def " + line.strip() + ":" ) else: line = ( " " * (len(line) - len(line.lstrip())) + "def " + line.strip() + ":" ) elif "{" in line: bracket_index = line.index("{") ( matching_line_index, matching_char_index, ) = find_matching_bracket(lines, index, bracket_index) if (matching_line_index == index) and (":" in line): pass elif ("for (" in line) or ("for(" in line): line = convert_for_loop(line) lines[index] = line bracket_index = line.index("{") ( matching_line_index, matching_char_index, ) = find_matching_bracket(lines, index, bracket_index) tmp_line = lines[matching_line_index] lines[matching_line_index] = ( tmp_line[:matching_char_index] + tmp_line[matching_char_index + 1 :] ) line = line.replace("{", "") if line is None: line = "" line = line.replace("//", "#") line = line.replace("var ", "", 1) line = line.replace("/*", "#") line = line.replace("*/", "#") line = line.replace("true", "True").replace("false", "False") line = line.replace("null", "None") line = line.replace(".or", ".Or") line = line.replace(".and", ".And") line = line.replace(".not", ".Not") line = line.replace("visualize({", "visualize(**{") line = line.replace("Math.PI", "math.pi") line = line.replace("Math.", "math.") line = line.replace("= new", "=") line = line.rstrip() if ".style(" in line and ".style(**" not in line: line = line.replace(".style(", ".style(**") if line.endswith("+"): line = line + " \\" elif line.endswith(";"): line = line[:-1] if line.lstrip().startswith("*"): line = line.replace("*", "#") if ( (":" in line) and (not line.strip().startswith("#")) and (not line.strip().startswith("def")) and (not line.strip().startswith(".")) ): line = format_params(line) if ( index < (len(lines) - 1) and line.lstrip().startswith("#") and lines[index + 1].lstrip().startswith(".") ): line = "" if line.lstrip().startswith("."): if "#" in line: line = line[: line.index("#")] output = output.rstrip() + " " + "\\" + "\n" + line + "\n" else: output += line + "\n" if show_map: output += "Map" out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) with open(out_file, "w") as f: f.write(output) return output
[docs]def create_new_cell(contents, replace=False): """Create a new cell in Jupyter notebook based on the contents. Args: contents (str): A string of Python code. """ from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython shell = get_ipython() shell.set_next_input(contents, replace=replace)
[docs]def js_snippet_to_py( in_js_snippet, add_new_cell=True, import_ee=True, import_geemap=False, show_map=True, ): """Converts an Earth Engine JavaScript snippet wrapped in triple quotes to Python directly on a Jupyter notebook. Args: in_js_snippet (str): Earth Engine JavaScript within triple quotes. add_new_cell (bool, optional): Whether add the converted Python to a new cell. import_ee (bool, optional): Whether to import ee. Defaults to True. import_geemap (bool, optional): Whether to import geemap. Defaults to False. show_map (bool, optional): Whether to show the map. Defaults to True. Returns: list: A list of Python script. """ in_js = temp_file_path(".js") out_py = temp_file_path(".py") try: with open(in_js, "w") as f: f.write(in_js_snippet) js_to_python( in_js, out_file=out_py, use_qgis=False, show_map=show_map, import_geemap=import_geemap, ) out_lines = [] if import_ee: out_lines.append("import ee\n") if import_geemap: out_lines.append("import geemap\n\n") out_lines.append("Map = geemap.Map()\n") with open(out_py, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if index < (len(lines) - 1): if line.strip() == "import ee": continue next_line = lines[index + 1] if line.strip() == "" and next_line.strip() == "": continue elif ".style(" in line and (".style(**" not in line): line = line.replace(".style(", ".style(**") out_lines.append(line) else: out_lines.append(line) elif index == (len(lines) - 1) and lines[index].strip() != "": out_lines.append(line) os.remove(in_js) os.remove(out_py) if add_new_cell: contents = "".join(out_lines).strip() create_new_cell(contents) else: return out_lines except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs]def js_to_python_dir(in_dir, out_dir=None, use_qgis=True, github_repo=None): """Converts all Earth Engine JavaScripts in a folder recursively to Python scripts. Args: in_dir (str): The input folder containing Earth Engine JavaScripts. out_dir (str, optional): The output folder containing Earth Engine Python scripts. Defaults to None. use_qgis (bool, optional): Whether to add "from ee_plugin import Map \n" to the output script. Defaults to True. github_repo (str, optional): GitHub repo url. Defaults to None. """ print("Converting Earth Engine JavaScripts to Python scripts...\n") in_dir = os.path.abspath(in_dir) if out_dir is None: out_dir = in_dir elif not os.path.exists(out_dir): out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) os.makedirs(out_dir) else: out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) files = list(Path(in_dir).rglob("*.js")) for index, in_file in enumerate(files): print(f"Processing {index + 1}/{len(files)}: {in_file}") # if use_qgis: # out_file = os.path.splitext(in_file)[0] + "" # else: out_file = os.path.splitext(in_file)[0] + "" out_file = out_file.replace(in_dir, out_dir) js_to_python(in_file, out_file, use_qgis, github_repo, import_geemap=True)
# print("Output Python script folder: {}".format(out_dir)) # def dict_key_str(line): # keys = """asFloat bands bestEffort bias collection color connectedness crs eeObject eightConnected format gain gamma # geometry groupField groupName image iterations kernel labelBand leftField magnitude max maxDistance # maxOffset maxPixels maxSize minBucketWidth min name normalize opacity palette patchWidth # radius reducer referenceImage region rightField scale selectors shown sigma size source # strokeWidth threshold units visParams width""".split() # for key in keys: # if ":" in line and key in line: # line = line.replace(key + ":", "'" + key + "':") # return line
[docs]def remove_qgis_import(in_file): """Removes 'from ee_plugin import Map' from an Earth Engine Python script. Args: in_file (str): Input file path of the Python script. Returns: list: List of lines 'from ee_plugin import Map' removed. """ in_file = os.path.abspath(in_file) start_index = 0 with open(in_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if "from ee_plugin import Map" in line: start_index = index i = 1 while True: line_tmp = lines[start_index + i].strip() if line_tmp != "": return lines[start_index + i :] else: i = i + 1 elif "Map = geemap.Map()" in line: return lines[index + 1 :]
[docs]def get_js_examples(out_dir=None): """Gets Earth Engine JavaScript examples from the geemap package. Args: out_dir (str, optional): The folder to copy the JavaScript examples to. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The folder containing the JavaScript examples. """ pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(pkg_resources.resource_filename("geemap", "")) example_dir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "data") js_dir = os.path.join(example_dir, "javascripts") files = list(Path(js_dir).rglob("*.js")) if out_dir is None: out_dir = js_dir else: if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) for file in files: basename = os.path.basename(file) out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, basename) shutil.copyfile(file, out_path) return out_dir
[docs]def get_nb_template(download_latest=False, out_file=None): """Get the Earth Engine Jupyter notebook template. Args: download_latest (bool, optional): If True, downloads the latest notebook template from GitHub. Defaults to False. out_file (str, optional): Set the output file path of the notebook template. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The file path of the template. """ pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(pkg_resources.resource_filename("geemap", "")) example_dir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "data") template_dir = os.path.join(example_dir, "template") template_file = os.path.join(template_dir, "") if out_file is None: out_file = template_file return out_file if not out_file.endswith(".py"): out_file = out_file + ".py" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_file)) if download_latest: template_url = "" print(f"Downloading the latest notebook template from {template_url}") urllib.request.urlretrieve(template_url, out_file) elif out_file is not None: shutil.copyfile(template_file, out_file) return out_file
[docs]def template_header(in_template): """Extracts header from the notebook template. Args: in_template (str): Input notebook template file path. Returns: list: List of lines. """ header = [] template_lines = [] header_end_index = 0 with open(in_template, encoding="utf-8") as f: template_lines = f.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(template_lines): if "## Add Earth Engine Python script" in line: header_end_index = index + 6 header = template_lines[:header_end_index] return header
[docs]def py_to_ipynb( in_file, template_file=None, out_file=None, github_username=None, github_repo=None, ): """Converts Earth Engine Python script to Jupyter notebook. Args: in_file (str): Input Earth Engine Python script. template_file (str): Input Jupyter notebook template. out_file (str, optional)): Output Jupyter notebook. github_username (str, optional): GitHub username. Defaults to None. github_repo (str, optional): GitHub repo name. Defaults to None. """ in_file = os.path.abspath(in_file) if template_file is None: template_file = get_nb_template() if out_file is None: out_file = os.path.splitext(in_file)[0] + ".ipynb" out_py_file = os.path.splitext(out_file)[0] + "" out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) if out_dir == os.path.dirname(in_file): out_py_file = os.path.splitext(out_file)[0] + "" content = remove_qgis_import(in_file) if content[-1].strip() == "Map": content = content[:-1] header = template_header(template_file) footer = template_footer(template_file) if (github_username is not None) and (github_repo is not None): out_py_path = str(out_file).split("/") index = out_py_path.index(github_repo) out_py_relative_path = "/".join(out_py_path[index + 1 :]) out_ipynb_relative_path = out_py_relative_path.replace(".py", ".ipynb") new_header = [] for index, line in enumerate(header): if index < 9: # Change Google Colab and binder URLs line = line.replace("giswqs", github_username) line = line.replace("geemap", github_repo) line = line.replace( "examples/template/template.ipynb", out_ipynb_relative_path ) new_header.append(line) header = new_header if content is not None: out_text = header + content + footer else: out_text = header + footer out_text = out_text[:-1] + [out_text[-1].strip()] if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_py_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_py_file)) with open(out_py_file, "w") as f: f.writelines(out_text) try: # command = 'ipynb-py-convert ' + out_py_file + ' ' + out_file command = 'ipynb-py-convert "{}" "{}"'.format(out_py_file, out_file) print(os.popen(command).read().rstrip()) # os.popen(command) except Exception as e: print("Please install ipynb-py-convert using the following command:\n") print("pip install ipynb-py-convert") raise Exception(e) try: os.remove(out_py_file) except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs]def py_to_ipynb_dir( in_dir, template_file=None, out_dir=None, github_username=None, github_repo=None ): """Converts Earth Engine Python scripts in a folder recursively to Jupyter notebooks. Args: in_dir (str): Input folder containing Earth Engine Python scripts. out_dir str, optional): Output folder. Defaults to None. template_file (str): Input jupyter notebook template file. github_username (str, optional): GitHub username. Defaults to None. github_repo (str, optional): GitHub repo name. Defaults to None. """ print("Converting Earth Engine Python scripts to Jupyter notebooks ...\n") in_dir = os.path.abspath(in_dir) files = [] qgis_files = list(Path(in_dir).rglob("*")) py_files = list(Path(in_dir).rglob("*.py")) if len(qgis_files) == len(py_files) / 2: files = qgis_files else: files = py_files if out_dir is None: out_dir = in_dir elif not os.path.exists(out_dir): out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) os.makedirs(out_dir) else: out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) for index, file in enumerate(files): in_file = str(file) out_file = ( in_file.replace(in_dir, out_dir) .replace("_qgis", "") .replace(".py", ".ipynb") ) print(f"Processing {index + 1}/{len(files)}: {in_file}") py_to_ipynb(in_file, template_file, out_file, github_username, github_repo)
[docs]def execute_notebook(in_file): """Executes a Jupyter notebook and save output cells Args: in_file (str): Input Jupyter notebook. """ # command = 'jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute ' + in_file + ' --inplace' command = 'jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute "{}" --inplace'.format(in_file) print(os.popen(command).read().rstrip())
# os.popen(command)
[docs]def execute_notebook_dir(in_dir): """Executes all Jupyter notebooks in the given directory recursively and save output cells. Args: in_dir (str): Input folder containing notebooks. """ print("Executing Earth Engine Jupyter notebooks ...\n") in_dir = os.path.abspath(in_dir) files = list(Path(in_dir).rglob("*.ipynb")) count = len(files) if files is not None: for index, file in enumerate(files): in_file = str(file) print(f"Processing {index + 1}/{count}: {file} ...") execute_notebook(in_file)
[docs]def update_nb_header(in_file, github_username=None, github_repo=None): """Updates notebook header (binder and Google Colab URLs). Args: in_file (str): The input Jupyter notebook. github_username (str, optional): GitHub username. Defaults to None. github_repo (str, optional): GitHub repo name. Defaults to None. """ if github_username is None: github_username = "giswqs" if github_repo is None: github_repo = "geemap" index = in_file.index(github_repo) file_relative_path = in_file[index + len(github_repo) + 1 :] output_lines = [] with open(in_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() start_line_index = 2 start_char_index = lines[start_line_index].index("{") matching_line_index, _ = find_matching_bracket( lines, start_line_index, start_char_index ) header = lines[:matching_line_index] content = lines[matching_line_index:] new_header = [] search_string = "" for line in header: line = line.replace("giswqs", github_username) line = line.replace("geemap", github_repo) if "master?filepath=" in line: search_string = "master?filepath=" start_index = line.index(search_string) + len(search_string) end_index = line.index(".ipynb") + 6 relative_path = line[start_index:end_index] line = line.replace(relative_path, file_relative_path) elif "/master/" in line: search_string = "/master/" start_index = line.index(search_string) + len(search_string) end_index = line.index(".ipynb") + 6 relative_path = line[start_index:end_index] line = line.replace(relative_path, file_relative_path) new_header.append(line) output_lines = new_header + content with open(in_file, "w") as f: f.writelines(output_lines)
[docs]def update_nb_header_dir(in_dir, github_username=None, github_repo=None): """Updates header (binder and Google Colab URLs) of all notebooks in a folder . Args: in_dir (str): The input directory containing Jupyter notebooks. github_username (str, optional): GitHub username. Defaults to None. github_repo (str, optional): GitHub repo name. Defaults to None. """ files = list(Path(in_dir).rglob("*.ipynb")) for index, file in enumerate(files): file = str(file) if ".ipynb_checkpoints" in file: del files[index] count = len(files) if files is not None: for index, file in enumerate(files): in_file = str(file) print(f"Processing {index + 1}/{count}: {file} ...") update_nb_header(in_file, github_username, github_repo)
# def download_from_url(url, out_file_name=None, out_dir='.', unzip=True): # """Download a file from a URL (e.g., # Args: # url (str): The HTTP URL to download. # out_file_name (str, optional): The output file name to use. Defaults to None. # out_dir (str, optional): The output directory to use. Defaults to '.'. # unzip (bool, optional): Whether to unzip the downloaded file if it is a zip file. Defaults to True. # """ # in_file_name = os.path.basename(url) # if out_file_name is None: # out_file_name = in_file_name # out_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(out_dir), out_file_name) # print('Downloading {} ...'.format(url)) # try: # urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, out_file_path) # except: # print("The URL is invalid. Please double check the URL.") # return # final_path = out_file_path # if unzip: # # if it is a zip file # if '.zip' in out_file_name: # print("Unzipping {} ...".format(out_file_name)) # with zipfile.ZipFile(out_file_path, "r") as zip_ref: # zip_ref.extractall(out_dir) # final_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath( # out_dir), out_file_name.replace('.zip', '')) # # if it is a tar file # if '.tar' in out_file_name: # print("Unzipping {} ...".format(out_file_name)) # with, "r") as tar_ref: # tar_ref.extractall(out_dir) # final_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath( # out_dir), out_file_name.replace('.tart', '')) # print('Data downloaded to: {}'.format(final_path))
[docs]def download_gee_app(url, out_file=None): """Downloads JavaScript source code from a GEE App Args: url (str): The URL of the GEE App. out_file (str, optional): The output file path for the downloaded JavaScript. Defaults to None. """ cwd = os.getcwd() out_file_name = os.path.basename(url) + ".js" out_file_path = os.path.join(cwd, out_file_name) items = url.split("/") items[3] = "javascript" items[4] = items[4] + "-modules.json" json_url = "/".join(items) print(f"The json url: {json_url}") if out_file is not None: out_file_path = out_file if not out_file_path.endswith("js"): out_file_path += ".js" out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file_path) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) json_path = out_file_path + "on" try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(json_url, json_path) except Exception: raise Exception("The URL is invalid. Please double check the URL.") with open(out_file_path, "w") as f1: with open(json_path, encoding="utf-8") as f2: lines = f2.readlines() for line in lines: # print(line) items = line.split("\\n") for index, item in enumerate(items): if (index > 0) and (index < (len(items) - 1)): item = item.replace('\\"', '"') item = item.replace(r"\\", "\n") item = item.replace("\\r", "") f1.write(item + "\n") os.remove(json_path) print(f"The JavaScript is saved at: {out_file_path}")
# # Download file shared via Google Drive # def download_from_gdrive(gfile_url, file_name, out_dir='.', unzip=True): # """Download a file shared via Google Drive # (e.g., # Args: # gfile_url (str): The Google Drive shared file URL # file_name (str): The output file name to use. # out_dir (str, optional): The output directory. Defaults to '.'. # unzip (bool, optional): Whether to unzip the output file if it is a zip file. Defaults to True. # """ # try: # from google_drive_downloader import GoogleDriveDownloader as gdd # except ImportError: # print('GoogleDriveDownloader package not installed. Installing ...') # subprocess.check_call( # ["python", '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'googledrivedownloader']) # from google_drive_downloader import GoogleDriveDownloader as gdd # file_id = gfile_url.split('/')[5] # print('Google Drive file id: {}'.format(file_id)) # dest_path = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name) # gdd.download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, dest_path, True, unzip) if __name__ == "__main__": # Create a temporary working directory work_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "geemap") # Get Earth Engine JavaScript examples. There are five examples in the geemap package data folder. # Change js_dir to your own folder containing your Earth Engine JavaScripts, such as js_dir = '/path/to/your/js/folder' js_dir = get_js_examples(out_dir=work_dir) # Convert all Earth Engine JavaScripts in a folder recursively to Python scripts. js_to_python_dir(in_dir=js_dir, out_dir=js_dir, use_qgis=True) print(f"Python scripts saved at: {js_dir}") # Convert all Earth Engine Python scripts in a folder recursively to Jupyter notebooks. # Get the notebook template from the package folder. nb_template = get_nb_template() py_to_ipynb_dir(js_dir, nb_template) # Execute all Jupyter notebooks in a folder recursively and save the output cells. execute_notebook_dir(in_dir=js_dir) # # # Download a file from a URL. # # url = '' # # download_from_url(url) # # # Download a file shared via Google Drive. # # g_url = '' # # download_from_gdrive(g_url, '') # # # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # # # parser.add_argument('--input', type=str, # # # help="Path to the input JavaScript file") # # # parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, # # # help="Path to the output Python file") # # # args = parser.parse_args() # # # js_to_python(args.input, args.output)