Source code for geemap.basemaps

"""Module for basemaps.

Each basemap is defined as an item in the `basemaps` dictionary.

For example, to access Google basemaps, use the following:

    * `basemaps['ROADMAP']`
    * `basemaps['SATELLITE']`
    * `basemaps['HYBRID']`

More WMS basemaps can be found at the following websites:

  1. USGS National Map:
  2. MRLC NLCD Land Cover data:
  3. FWS NWI Wetlands data:


# *******************************************************************************#
# This module contains core features and extra features of the geemap package.   #
# The Earth Engine team and the geemap community will maintain the core features.#
# The geemap community will maintain the extra features.                         #
# The core features include classes and functions below until the line # ******* #
# *******************************************************************************#

import collections
import os
import requests
import folium
import ipyleaflet
import xyzservices
from .common import check_package, planet_tiles

# Custom XYZ tile services.
    "OpenStreetMap": {
        "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
        "attribution": "OpenStreetMap",
        "name": "OpenStreetMap",
    "ROADMAP": {
        "url": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}",
        "attribution": "Google",
        "name": "Google Maps",
    "SATELLITE": {
        "url": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}",
        "attribution": "Google",
        "name": "Google Satellite",
    "TERRAIN": {
        "url": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}",
        "attribution": "Google",
        "name": "Google Terrain",
    "HYBRID": {
        "url": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}",
        "attribution": "Google",
        "name": "Google Hybrid",

# Custom WMS tile services.
    "FWS NWI Wetlands": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "1",
        "name": "FWS NWI Wetlands",
        "attribution": "FWS",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "FWS NWI Wetlands Raster": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "0",
        "name": "FWS NWI Wetlands Raster",
        "attribution": "FWS",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2019 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2019_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2019 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2016 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2016_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2016 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2013 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2013_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2013 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2011 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2011_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2011 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2008 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2008_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2008 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2006 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2006_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2006 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2004 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2004_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2004 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "NLCD 2001 CONUS Land Cover": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "NLCD_2001_Land_Cover_L48",
        "name": "NLCD 2001 CONUS Land Cover",
        "attribution": "MRLC",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "USGS NAIP Imagery": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "USGSNAIPImagery:NaturalColor",
        "name": "USGS NAIP Imagery",
        "attribution": "USGS",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "USGS NAIP Imagery False Color": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "USGSNAIPImagery:FalseColorComposite",
        "name": "USGS NAIP Imagery False Color",
        "attribution": "USGS",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "USGS NAIP Imagery NDVI": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "USGSNAIPImagery:NDVI_Color",
        "name": "USGS NAIP Imagery NDVI",
        "attribution": "USGS",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "USGS Hydrography": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "0",
        "name": "USGS Hydrography",
        "attribution": "USGS",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "USGS 3DEP Elevation": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "33DEPElevation:Hillshade Elevation Tinted",
        "name": "USGS 3DEP Elevation",
        "attribution": "USGS",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "ESA WorldCover 2020": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "WORLDCOVER_2020_MAP",
        "name": "ESA Worldcover 2020",
        "attribution": "ESA",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "ESA WorldCover 2020 S2 FCC": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "WORLDCOVER_2020_S2_FCC",
        "name": "ESA Worldcover 2020 S2 FCC",
        "attribution": "ESA",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "ESA WorldCover 2020 S2 TCC": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "WORLDCOVER_2020_S2_TCC",
        "name": "ESA Worldcover 2020 S2 TCC",
        "attribution": "ESA",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "ESA WorldCover 2021": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "WORLDCOVER_2021_MAP",
        "name": "ESA Worldcover 2021",
        "attribution": "ESA",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "ESA WorldCover 2021 S2 FCC": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "WORLDCOVER_2021_S2_FCC",
        "name": "ESA Worldcover 2021 S2 FCC",
        "attribution": "ESA",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,
    "ESA WorldCover 2021 S2 TCC": {
        "url": "",
        "layers": "WORLDCOVER_2021_S2_TCC",
        "name": "ESA Worldcover 2021 S2 TCC",
        "attribution": "ESA",
        "format": "image/png",
        "transparent": True,

custom_tiles = {"xyz": XYZ_TILES, "wms": WMS_TILES}

[docs]def get_xyz_dict(free_only=True, france=False): """Returns a dictionary of xyz services. Args: free_only (bool, optional): Whether to return only free xyz tile services that do not require an access token. Defaults to True. france (bool, optional): Whether to include Geoportail France basemaps. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: A dictionary of xyz services. """ xyz_bunch = xyzservices.providers if free_only: xyz_bunch = xyz_bunch.filter(requires_token=False) if not france: xyz_bunch = xyz_bunch.filter( function=lambda tile: "france" not in dict(tile)["name"].lower() ) xyz_dict = xyz_bunch.flatten() for key, value in xyz_dict.items(): tile = xyzservices.TileProvider(value) if "type" not in tile: tile["type"] = "xyz" xyz_dict[key] = tile xyz_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(xyz_dict.items())) return xyz_dict
[docs]def xyz_to_leaflet(): """Convert xyz tile services to ipyleaflet tile layers. Returns: dict: A dictionary of ipyleaflet tile layers. """ leaflet_dict = {} # Add custom tiles. for tile_type, tile_dict in custom_tiles.items(): for tile_provider, tile_info in tile_dict.items(): tile_info["type"] = tile_type leaflet_dict[tile_info["name"]] = tile_info # Add xyzservices.provider tiles. for tile_provider, tile_info in get_xyz_dict().items(): tile_info["url"] = tile_info.build_url() leaflet_dict[tile_info["name"]] = tile_info return leaflet_dict
[docs]def xyz_to_folium(): """Convert xyz tile services to folium tile layers. Returns: dict: A dictionary of folium tile layers. """ folium_dict = {} for key, tile in custom_tiles["xyz"].items(): folium_dict[key] = folium.TileLayer( tiles=tile["url"], attr=tile["attribution"], name=tile["name"], overlay=True, control=True, max_zoom=22, ) for key, tile in custom_tiles["wms"].items(): folium_dict[key] = folium.WmsTileLayer( url=tile["url"], layers=tile["layers"], name=tile["name"], attr=tile["attribution"], fmt=tile["format"], transparent=tile["transparent"], overlay=True, control=True, ) for item in get_xyz_dict().values(): folium_dict[] = folium.TileLayer( tiles=item.build_url(), attr=item.attribution,, max_zoom=item.get("max_zoom", 22), overlay=True, control=True, ) if os.environ.get("PLANET_API_KEY") is not None: planet_dict = planet_tiles(tile_format="folium") folium_dict.update(planet_dict) return folium_dict
# ******************************************************************************# # The classes and functions above are the core features of the geemap package. # # The Earth Engine team and the geemap community will maintain these features. # # ******************************************************************************# # ******************************************************************************# # The classes and functions below are the extra features of the geemap package. # # The geemap community will maintain these features. # # ******************************************************************************#
[docs]def xyz_to_pydeck(): """Convert xyz tile services to pydeck custom tile layers. Returns: dict: A dictionary of pydeck tile layers. """ check_package("pydeck", "") import pydeck as pdk pydeck_dict = {} for key, tile in custom_tiles["xyz"].items(): url = tile["url"] pydeck_dict[key] = url for key, item in get_xyz_dict().items(): url = item.build_url() pydeck_dict[key] = url if os.environ.get("PLANET_API_KEY") is not None: planet_dict = planet_tiles(tile_format="ipyleaflet") for id_, tile in planet_dict.items(): pydeck_dict[id_] = tile.url pdk.settings.custom_libraries = [ { "libraryName": "MyTileLayerLibrary", "resourceUri": "", } ] for key in pydeck_dict: pydeck_dict[key] = pdk.Layer("MyTileLayer", pydeck_dict[key], key) return pydeck_dict
[docs]def xyz_to_plotly(): """Convert xyz tile services to plotly tile layers. Returns: dict: A dictionary of plotly tile layers. """ plotly_dict = {} for key, tile in custom_tiles["xyz"].items(): plotly_dict[key] = { "below": "traces", "sourcetype": "raster", "sourceattribution": tile["attribution"], "source": [tile["url"]], "name": key, } for item in get_xyz_dict().values(): plotly_dict[] = { "below": "traces", "sourcetype": "raster", "sourceattribution": item.attribution, "source": [item.build_url()], "name":, } return plotly_dict
[docs]def search_qms(keywords, limit=10): """Search qms files for keywords. Reference: Args: keywords (str): Keywords to search for. limit (int): Number of results to return. """ QMS_API = "" services = requests.get( f"{QMS_API}/?search={keywords}&type=tms&epsg=3857&limit={str(limit)}" ) services = services.json() if services["count"] == 0: return None elif services["count"] <= limit: return services["results"] else: return services["results"][:limit]
[docs]def get_qms(service_id): QMS_API = "" service_details = requests.get(f"{QMS_API}/{service_id}") return service_details.json()
[docs]def qms_to_geemap(service_id): """Convert a qms service to an ipyleaflet tile layer. Args: service_id (str): Service ID. Returns: ipyleaflet.TileLayer: An ipyleaflet tile layer. """ service_details = get_qms(service_id) name = service_details["name"] url = service_details["url"] attribution = service_details["copyright_text"] layer = ipyleaflet.TileLayer(url=url, name=name, attribution=attribution) return layer